Do you realise that the design of your website accounts for 75% of its credibility?
Being in business nowadays necessitates a comprehensive awareness of the significance of your company’s website. If your website’s design is outdated or UI doesn’t promise a good customer experience, you may have found that traffic never quite meets your expectations or that the visitor count has been declining for some time. Visitors may consider your business less credible if several website design flaws exist in this most important digital asset that you have. You might want to hire a website designing company to redesign the entire website.
Whether making a fresh start or revamping an existing website, eliminating these mistakes can help your website stick out digitally for all the right reasons.
Here are the Top 10 Website Designing Mistakes that You Need to Avoid
Let’s start!
1. You are not Prioritising Accessibility
Easily accessible websites provide a better user experience for all visitors. If you ignore accessibility throughout your website redesign effort, you’re bypassing a huge chance to better interact with your followers. Below are the most common website accessibility mistakes:
- Inadequate colour contrast.
- The incomplete or incorrect replacement text for photos or graphics.
- Insufficient or lack of visual focus.
Inadequate Colour Contrast
Colour contrast is a common accessibility issue. This error commonly occurs because a website designing company construct or revamps a website that displays its brand colour palette, which isn’t generally designed with accessibility in consideration.
If your website contains a lot of text, ensure your text colour and background colour are not overly bright and your website encourages consumers to read your content easily.
The Incomplete or Incorrect alt Text for Photos or Graphics
Desktop and mobile users rely on image alt text to explain what the picture or graphic represents. If it is absent or inadequately depicts the image, you restrict readers who require it to navigate your site.
Insufficient or Lack of Visual Focus Indicator
Visitors will not be able to fully comprehend your site if visual focus indicators are not used. It is critical to provide a clear visual indicator of whatever component on the website is now focused on while revamping a website so that visitors who are browsing with a keyboard and have access to the screen know exactly where they are on the page and what to expect when interacting with the active element.
2. You are Compromising Functionality for Aesthetics
Everyone wanted things to be visually pleasing at the time. Web design that is both visually appealing and accessible is always a bonus. However, it would not help if you compromised the functionality. When it pertains to your website, efficiency must always take priority over visual attractiveness.
The objective of revamping a website is definitely to make the website appear better than the former one, but you also need to ensure that it operates better than the prior one. The two most important aspects to consider while building or revamping are innovative layouts and easy navigation. Ensure that your visitors discover what they seek without being forced to navigate many unnecessary pages.
3. You are not Explaining the Objectives of Revamping the Website
It might be challenging to establish what modifications must be made and how to make them without a defined objective. Without a defined aim, you may end up making updates that may not truly increase the overall efficacy of your website’s effectiveness. So, before you start revamping a website, sit back and precisely describe the update’s aim. This will help to ensure the success of the modifications.
4. Failure to Review Your Website before Launching
If you don’t review the website before publishing, this can cause many issues, ranging from missing links and sites to inaccurate content. Before you publish your website, make sure that it is functioning efficiently and that there are no big errors that might pose complications for your visitors. It’s also an excellent time to identify any mistakes or typos that might slip through the cracks. So, before going live with your new website, properly test it, and it might save you a lot of trouble in the long run.
5. You are Ignoring the Impact of Responsive Web Design
Users are browsing websites from more devices than ever, including phones and tablets. If your website is not accessible on any device, you will lose a lot of traffic because mobile users will exit the webpage if they cannot access or understand its content effectively.
According to statistics, mobile users accounted for approximately 78.4% of all web browsing traffic in the third quarter of 2022. This implies that more than half of your readers expect you to provide a better experience on their smartphones; therefore, you must ensure you can satisfy their expectations if you want to keep this large percentage of people engaged with your content.
6. Your Website Takes too Long to Load
One of the most common errors when revamping a website is failing to consider website loading speed. This can be a significant issue, particularly if your website is image-heavy or contains a plethora of videos and other multimedia. There are several reasons why page loading time is crucial. For instance, it has an impact on your search engine ranking. When considering where to rank your website, Google and other search engines consider page loading speed.
Second, it has an impact on user experience. People are impatient, and if your website takes too long to load, they will most likely skip it and visit another site. There are several things you can try to speed up page loading. First and foremost, ensure that you are utilising a reputable web host. Second, you should optimise your pictures. Finally, change the size of your code. These are simply a few suggestions for increasing website loading speed for a website designing company.
7. You are Overlooking a Call to Action
If you are receiving a lot of traffic but need to reach your goals, you may need to route your consumers appropriately. The easiest and most efficient method to accomplish this is to establish and specify your call to action, which is the major reason your users came to your website in the first place.
8. You Have Unclear Navigation
Inadequate navigation can make things incredibly difficult for the visitor to navigate your website. It will not only irritate readers but also result in a major decline in traffic and conversions. To avoid this error, map out your layout before rebuilding your website. Ensure that all web pages are linked properly and that your navigation is simple to grasp.
If feasible, request user input on your present navigation to determine what may be improved. You may ensure the success of your redesign by focusing on navigation.
9. You are not Updating the Content
If you’ve ever visited a website with out-of-date content or a neglected news section, you’ll understand how an out-of-date website seems to users. People are less inclined to engage with a website that cannot give them what they want to see; therefore, they will look elsewhere for information and news.
This also happens with blogs. A blog may begin with frequent updates that gradually fade away over time until ceasing entirely. If your blog is not updated, your viewers are significantly less inclined to start with your older content.
Users want innovative and updated stuff delivered on time; hence, ensure that you maintain consistency of this on your website so that you can target additional visitors and retain them by providing them with fresh content regularly.
10. Your Website is Insecure
Suppose a website of a website designing company lacks a valid HTTPS certificate. In that case, it is not encrypted, and users will see notifications in their browsers informing them that the website is unsafe.
HTTPS encrypts data between your website and your users, keeping it safe and confidential and preventing cyberthieves from intercepting important information.
If you’re unsure about your website’s privacy, contact your existing hosting provider if they have any advice. Most hosting companies will maintain their system up to date, but it always helps to double-check. For further protection, ensure that all plugins, themes, and other website components are up to date and maintained with the latest updates.
It’s a lot of work for a website designing company to ensure everything runs smoothly while refreshing a website. However, you may guarantee that you’re doing all possible by keeping an eye out for these typical blunders and devising a strategy to prevent them. Most important here is to hire an agency that is capable of delivering the quality when it comes ot UI and UX.
Our web developers at iWrite india are updated with the latest website design and development technologies and are well versed with the trending design aspects. If you are looking for a fresh website or wanting to revamp an old one, we are here to help. Ask for a free website analytics and consultation today!
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