Omnichannel Marketing

Omnichannel Marketing is the Future of Digital Marketing and Here’s Why!

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As the world continually evolves and grows more comfortable in its increasingly digital age, the nature of industries shifts accordingly. Ignoring the online sphere is not an option for businesses looking to expand. Gen Z – the newest generation – gets all their information online. From news to trends to updates about their friends, they use the vast number of social media platforms available today to their benefit. 

A key development alongside these digital developments is the emergence of omnichannel marketing. While multichannel marketing was a primary way of catering to millennials, omnichannel is quickly replacing this and becoming an essential way to reach the emerging Gen Z consumer base. As they begin entering the workforce, online marketing in Delhi has had to shift its focus and cater to their needs by reaching them on their own terms, i.e. on their platforms.  

What is Omnichannel Marketing?

Omnichannel Marketing

Source: Directive Consulting

Omnichannel marketing is when brands create a unified user experience across physical and digital stores. Multichannel marketing was when brands sent generic emailers, SMSs and created an online store similar to their physical store. With an omnichannel marketing strategy, this changes and the entire experience becomes more user-centric. 

Let’s take an example to understand this better. The easiest way is through one of the biggest (if not the biggest) brand: Amazon. 

Amazon uses user data and watches the buying habits of its customers to determine the best recommendations. Therefore, if you buy a phone from Amazon, you may soon see recommendations for earphones, phone cases, etc. These are part of the omnichannel experience. Similarly, if a customer is looking at cruelty-free makeup brands, and you sell cruelty-free makeup, your ads show up on their Instagram and Facebook based on Google’s algorithms. This, therefore, becomes an omnichannel experience for the user. They feel catered to. Instead of each individual channel being optimised separately, you prioritise customer experience and create a more holistic omnichannel marketing strategy with the help of any leading digital marketing company in Delhi. 

How to Build an Effective Omnichannel Marketing Strategy?

Creating an omnichannel strategy requires knowing the emerging trends. Understanding buying habits allows businesses to make better, more efficient judgement calls and channel their resources accordingly. So, what are some of the emerging trends in omnichannel online marketing in Delhi? 

Personalisation: The Customer Comes First

Omnichannel Marketing

Source: Norse Sound Creative

Conversions and conversation rates remain at the forefront of every business’ mind in 2022. On the other hand, conversions in 2023 will require tailoring marketing campaigns to individual customers. While big data makes this process easier with analyses of customer behaviour more readily available, using this information effectively takes work. This is where personalisation comes in. 

Customers need to feel heard. They do not respond to generic marketing calls and SMSs that a previously competent digital marketing company in Delhi may have advocated. Instead, they look for solutions to their problems. This means that businesses need to anticipate customer needs and meet them as soon as possible. Hyper-personalisation, therefore, becomes the need of the hour. Once you catch your customer’s attention with personalised content, they then remember your brand much better as one thatally meet their needs and solve their problems. 

Investing in Targeted Advertising is Essential

Times have not changed enough for advertising not to matter. That said, the method of advertising has changed. Personalisation can happen through emailers catering to customer needs as well as through targeted ads. Targeted advertising improves user engagement with the brand manifold, making programmatic ads or targeted ads essential omnichannel tools. 

While this may seem like a lot of work, most programmatic ads are automated and simply rely on user data to function. Based on customer activity, the algorithm determines recommendations, buying timelines and where the customer is in the sales funnel. However, keep in mind that while you use programmatic ads, your competition is using them too. Thus, you need to know who is visiting your website, when, and how often to avoid the possibility of brand fatigue. Targeted advertising only works when done effectively and is only a part of your omnichannel marketing strategy.

Use Video Marketing Extensively

Newer generations have shorter attention spans than ever before. With platforms like Insta Reels, YouTube Shorts, allowing short videos and being immensely popular, brands need to use similar methods. Video marketing is more likely to be effective since the brain is more likely to retain images. Therefore, more online marketing in Delhi is turning to short videos as means of marketing, and as one of the primary ways of propagating a brand. 

Digital Marketing

Source: Visme

However, video content needs to be high-quality. We live in an era where smartphones can shoot reels and short videos in 1080p. This should be used to your advantage when creating marketing videos. Keep in mind duration, quality of information, script comprehension, and how much post-production editing is required. This way, you can ensure that you aren’t spending more than you make from your video marketing strategy, getting a higher ROI. 

User Retention > User Attraction

User retention is when a brand pours resources into keeping existing users rather than attracting new ones. While new users should also have your focus, existing users have tested out your brand because they saw your value in their lives. Use this to your advantage and invest more in them. A prime example of user retention is Nykaa Prive. This is an “inner circle” of active users on the app who get benefits due to their loyalty. It is a loyalty program. 

Offering discounts to long-term users or sending them freebies are ways to retain them and keep you fresh in their minds. That said, spacing out these benefits is essential, so they do not take your brand for granted. They should not experience brand fatigue.  

This way, omnichannel marketing has established itself as a mainstay of the digital marketing future. Evidently, a working omnichannel marketing strategy depends on your digital marketing company in Delhi. 

At iWrite India, our expert marketers help you create a water-tight omnichannel marketing strategy using high-quality content across channels. We help your users feel heard, and they get solutions to their problems!

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